- 拼音:fá zǐ dì
- 注音:ㄈㄚˊ ㄗˇ ㄉ一ˋ
- 发子弟(fā zǐ dì)
- 乏子地(fá zǐ dì)
- 伐子地(fá zǐ dì)
- 翻耕地(fān gēng dì)
- 耕作地(gēng zuò dì)
- 犁地(lí dì)
- 荒地(huāng dì)
- 未耕地(wèi gēng dì)
- 生地(shēng dì)
- 垡子地 + 翻耕 = 垅上的希望
- 垡子地 + 播种 = 春天的故事
- 垡子地 + 丰收 = 秋日的喜悦
- 垡子地 + 农具 = 劳动的工具
- 垡子地 + 田间管理 = 精心呵护
. 春天来了,农民们开始忙碌起来,他们将去年的荒地变成了平整的垡子地,准备迎接新一年的播种。 - Spring has arrived, and the farmers are getting busy, turning last year's wasteland into neatly plowed fields, ready to welcome the new planting season. . 那小伙子就像腚上装了马达,躬着腰往前窜,任你多陷脚的垡子地,也能一股劲儿拉进去。 - That young man is like he has a motor on his buttocks, bending over and charging forward, no matter how muddy the plowed field is, he can pull through with one burst of energy. . 经过一番努力,这块垡子地终于变得松软而肥沃,为即将到来的农作物提供了良好的生长环境。 - After a lot of effort, plowed field finally became soft and fertile, providing an excellent growing environment for the upcoming crops. . 老张看着自己辛勤劳作的垡子地,脸上露出了满足的笑容,他知道这是丰收的。 - Old Zhang looked at the plowed field he had worked hard on, a satisfied smile spreading across his face. He knew was a sign of a bountiful harvest to come. . 每年的这个时候,村里的年轻人都会聚在一起,帮助年长的村民翻耕垡子地,这是一种传统的互助方式。 - At time every year, the young people in the village gather to help the elderly villagers plow their fields, a traditional of mutual assistance.
- 农田(nóng tián):用于种植作物的土地。
- 耕地(gēng dì):经过开垦、翻耕,适合种植作物的土地。
- 犁(lí):用于翻耕土地的农具。
- 播种(bō zhòng):将种子撒在土地上,使其生长。
- 收获(shōu huò):从土地中获取成熟的作物。
- 农事(nóng shì):与农业生产有关的各种活动。
- 农具(nóng jù):用于农业生产的各种工具。 “垡子地”这个词虽然简单,却蕴含着丰富的农业文化和农民的辛勤付出。它不仅仅是一片翻耕过的土地,更是农民们对未来的希望和对生活的热爱。在每一个春耕秋收的季节里,垡子地都承载着无数家庭的期盼和梦想。通过了解这个词语,我们不仅能感受到农民的艰辛,更能体会到农业的重要性和美好。