- 拼音:fàng fēi
- 注音:ㄈㄤˋ ㄈㄟ
- 繁体:放飛
- 词性:动词
“放飞”一词在汉语中具有多种含义,主要可以分为以下几种: . 允许飞机起飞: - 英译:allow a plane to take off - 例句:航空管制员在确认天气条件良好后,决定放飞这架航班。(The air traffic controller decided to allow the flight to take off after confirming good weather conditions.) . 放走飞鸟: - 英译:fly birds - 例句:在公园里,游客们可以亲手放飞鸽子,感受与自然的亲密接触。(In the park, visitors can release pigeons by hand, feeling the closeness of nature.)
- 芳菲(fāng fēi):形容花草芳香茂盛的样子。例如:春天,花园里的花儿盛开,一片芳菲。(In spring, the flowers in the garden bloom, creating a scene of fragrant beauty.)
- 放废(fàng fèi):废弃,不再使用。例如:这座旧工厂已经放废多年,现在变成了一片废墟。(The old factory has been abandoned for many years and is now just a ruin.)
- 放飞(fàng fēi):本文的主题词。
- 芳菲(fāng fēi):同上。
- 释放(shì fàng):放开,让其自由。例如:他终于释放了心中的压力,感到轻松了许多。(He finally released the pressure in his heart and felt much lighter.)
- 放行(fàng xíng):允许通过或进行。例如:警察检查完证件后,放行了这辆汽车。(After checking the documents, the police allowed the car to proceed.)
- 放生(fàng shēng):将被捕获的动物放回自然。例如:他们将捕捉到的鱼放生到湖中,保护了生态环境。(They released the fish they caught back into the lake, protecting the ecological environment.)
- 扣留(kòu liú):阻止离开,暂时不放走。例如:警方扣留了涉嫌的嫌疑人。(The police detained the suspect accused of theft.)
- 禁飞(jìn fēi):禁止飞机起飞或飞行。例如:由于恶劣天气,机场宣布禁飞所有航班。(Due to severe weather, the airport announced a ban on all flights.)
- 放飞梦想:实现自己的理想和愿望。例如:他一直梦想成为一名飞行员,今天终于实现了放飞梦想的时刻。(He has als dreamed of becoming a pilot, and toy he finally realized his dream of taking flight.)
- 放飞心灵:让心灵得到自由,摆脱束缚。例如:旅行是一种放飞心灵的方式,让人暂时忘却烦恼。(Travel is a to free the mind, allowing one to temporarily forget their worries.)
- 放飞风筝:放飞风筝是一项受欢迎的户外活动。例如:周末,孩子们在公园里放飞风筝,欢声笑语充满了整个天空。(On weekends, children fly kites in the park, filling the sky with laughter and joy.)
. 允许飞机起飞: - 航空公司宣布,由于天气好转,所有航班将恢复正常放飞。(The airline announced that all flights would resume normal operations due to improved weather conditions.) - 在完成所有安全检查后,塔台指挥员下达了放飞指令。(After completing all safety checks, the control tower issued the command to take off.) . 放走飞鸟: - 他轻轻地笼子,放飞了那只受伤的小鸟。(He gently opened the cage and released the injured little bird.) - 每年春天,志愿者们都会组织活动,放飞被救助的鸟类。(Every spring, voteers organize events to release rescued birds.) . 放飞梦想: - 她一直努力学习,希望能有一天放飞自己的音乐梦想。(She has been working hard, hoping to realize her musical dreams one y.) - 创业者们在创业大赛上展示了他们的创新项目,放飞了创业梦想。(Entrepreneurs showcased their innovative projects at the startup competition, realizing their entrepreneurial dreams.) . 放飞心灵: - 一次心灵之旅,让他彻底放飞了内心的束缚。(A spiritual journey allowed him to completely free himself from inner constraints.) - 读书是放飞心灵的最佳方式之一,它能带给你无限的想象空间。(Reading is one of the best s to free the mind, offering you endless imagination.) . 放飞风筝: - 孩子们在公园里放飞风筝,享受着春日的暖阳光。(Children fly kites in the park, enjoying the warm spring sunshine.) - 每年春季,社区都会举办放飞风筝比赛,吸引了许多家庭参与。(Every spring, the community hosts a kite-flying competition, attracting many families to participate.)
- 起飞(qǐ fēi):飞机离开地面开始飞行。例如:飞机在跑道上加速,最终顺利起飞。(The plane accelerated on the run and finally took off smoothly.)
- 放生(fàng shēng):将被捕获的动物放回自然。例如:野生动物保护组织经常进行放生活动,帮助动物回归自然。(Wildlife conservation organizations often conduct release activities to help animals return to nature.)
- 飞(fēi áng):在空中自由地飞行。例如:鸟儿在天空中飞,展示着它们的美丽。(Birds fly freely in the sky, showcasing their beauty.)
- 梦想(mèng ǎng):心中渴望实现的愿望。例如:每个人都有自己的梦想,只要努力,总有一天会实现。(Everyone has their own dreams, and as long as they work hard, they will come true one y.) 通过以上内容,我们可以看到“放飞”一词不仅涵盖了实际的物理动作,如飞机起飞和放飞鸟类,还延伸到了精神层面,如放飞梦想和心灵。无论是在实际生活中还是在精神世界中,“放飞”都象征着自由、希望和实现目标的美好愿景。